We have finalized the spring schedule of presentations, which are as follows (paper titles are tentative). All meetings will take place from 4-6pm at the National Humanities Center. February 10: Anna Johns, "Consumer Protection and Tort Reform: A Case Study of Alabama" Anna Johns, J.D., is a Ph.D. Candidate in History at Duke University. She will be workshopping a chapter from her dissertation, "Through Tort Hell and Back: The Rise and Fall of the Consumer Class Action in Alabama." February 24: Rebecca Scott, Professor of History and Law, University of Michigan - "Luisa Coleta and the Capuchin Friar: The Final Sacraments behind a Suit for Freedom" Rebecca Scott is Professor of History and Law, University of Michigan, and visiting professor at Duke Law School for Spring 2017. She will be presenting new research on early nineteenth-century Cuba. April 21: Mandy Cooper, Ph.D. Candidate, Duke University - "The Family State: Famil...